Tuesday, October 18, 2011

From the Annals of Passive Aggresiveness
Volume 2

I returned to my apartment after a week away and found this gem posted by the mailbox downstairs. It took a hell of a nerve for someone to do that. I thought it was funny as hell and thought I'd share it with the Internet.

The letter's author has a point. People do leave crap out on the common areas. Some people will drop their junk-mail on the ground under the mailbox. And yes, the kids can be loud and obnoxious little shits.

But this guy is taking things way too hard. This can only generate a bunch of tattletales in our building.


  1. You should have written a note on it, "OH WILL YOU?"

  2. I have plans. Trust me. It will take time, but it will be worth it.
