Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Archie's Developing Personality

He loves to play with sticks but he doesn't retrieve them with the gusto Abby and Andy did at that age. He may  gnaw on a tennis ball but he doesn't retrieve those either. I wonder if his eyesight is bad.

He loves people food. Every time I'm at the refridgertor he sits down and stares at me with great interest. He loves McDonalds and apples.

He also loves to chew on things. My mom swears he's worse than Abby was, but she's wrong. Archie doesn't come anywhere close to the naughtiness Abby showed at that age. Yet, Abby turned out to be a good girl.

When I whistle, he goes nuts. He whines and cries. He cocks his head to the side and then tries to jump up on me. I found this out when I was whistling to that credit card commercial when sprayer was painting objects gold and the gold paint dripped down from the objects.

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