Friday, June 1, 2012

Archie Still Won't Swim

I got in the water yesterday for the second time this season. Dixie was over the moon about it. She was already riled up because of the new float I bought at Lowe's where I also bought some items to repair the holes the Babies dug. I bought some 16"X16" concrete patio pavers. Those fuckers were deceptively heavy. I used the cart to bring all 6 of them at once from my car to the backyard. I wanted to fix those holes before the Babies went in the backyard again and we'd play in the pool.

When I got in the pool, I brought my flippers and goggles. I had a hell of a time putting them on because Dixie kept swimming at me and scratching me. It hurt me. I still have scratch marks on my hours after the swim. I had to keep an eye on Dixie while I put on the flippers.

Meanwhile, Archie started barking persistantly. He even cried a few times. The moment of absolute cuteness happened when Archie put his paw on my shoulder. Possibly, he was trying to climb on me. Maybe he wanted to be close to me since he felt left out.

Dixie and I swam for 10 minutes or so. Archie never got in. This is going to take work. I don't know what his hang-up is.