Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nancy Grace Is Going to Blow a Fucking Gasket

I normally don't watch Nancy Grace's crazy ass but tonight I will. I especially detest her after what she did to that guy in the Elizabeth Smart Case, Richard Ricci. Nancy went on a crusade swearing up and down the guy had kidnapped the Utah girl. Ricci had been telling the truth the whole time. Ricci's wife supported her husband's alibi. Nancy called the wife a liar. The cops found a mickey-mouse charge to revoke his parole and sent him back to prison where he later died. Nancy never showed any compunction for her misjudgment.

So, tonight, Nancy Grace will react to Jose Baez's opening statements. Trust me, you don't have to be a Nostradamus to foresee Nancy's going haywire.

Here are the main points she will blast away:
  1. That the father molested Casey
  2. That the brother molested Casey
  3. That the guy who found the body actually was the one who hid it
  4. That Caylee wasn't murdered but actually drowned.
Nancy is going to have  a goddamn stroke.

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